EVOLVE - the #1 podcast about relationships! How can we say that? Because we are giving ourselves our own awards, obviously! Evolve started from a question Lea had about where men fit in anymore in society, after hearing many young, hurt women swearing off all men forever. Evolve was born from that question, but has grown to encapsulate more than the male/female relationship issues that arise. Now it covers topics around all relationships but first and foremost, with ourselves. Because stemming from there all other relationships in our lives are affected. How we view and relate to things like: money, family, friends, romantic partners, parents, children, bosses, coworkers, and so much more!
Listen to the Episodes...
In this pilot episode of Evolve, a podcast all about relationships, we talk about the WHY behind this project.
Tune in to discover why we began, where we want to take it, and what your role in it all is!
Episode #2: Our Origin Story
In this episode you will learn how Greg and Lea met, connected, bonded, and then...broke up!?
Tune in to learn more about their beginnings and all that was against them!
Be a guest!
We love connecting to souls and exploring their evolution in their time here on this Rock. If you'd like to be considered as a possible podcast guest, fill out the form below, tell us a bit about yourself, what areas you have been striving to EVOLVE in, and let's see what unfolds!